Second reply here. Two state solution...well, best of luck there. I don't see the state of "Israel" to likely be a thing in 5-10 years, as they seem pretty hellbent on self destruction. But that's speculation after watching quite a bit of analysis, and it's certainly not a sure thing, nor worth much argument.
My ideal would be a single Palestinian state without the apartheid system, which is the stated goal of the various resistance factions. Though I have to say after this genocide it's going to be hard to bury the hatchet and stay neighborly. Post-apartheid South Africa wasn't without it's bumpy ride (and still isn't), and that was without the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people, forced displacement, and utterly inhumane living conditions. It'll likely take some brave Jews to stick around and try to help patch things over once the state falls, if that is to be the path. Strange things do happen sometimes though.