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 This is a tough one for me.  I still cling to the idea that people should have freedom of movement and I think that maybe the reason people came is more the problem than them coming.   

New York specifically and the US was built on immigration, but IMO the people came not to Leach off some overindulgent nanny state, but to kick ass and work hard to achieve their idea of the American Dream.   

I think we can be multicultural in the sense of faith, food and traditions, without having to be "multicultural" in terms of public safety.

I want more immegrants that know America will not be one big handout, but are willing to show up and bootstrap their American dream. 

TBH, almost all of the immegrants I know in the US are this way.  Mexicans and Central Americans routinely outwork the natural born Americans in my industry (construction).  And I'm happy to compete with them.  Steel sharpens Steel