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 Where are the #iOS devs at? Explain to me what incentive there is to use SwiftUI instead of UIKit? Im not an iOS dev but I find SwiftUI super restricting. #asknostr #ios #dev 
 I wouldn’t have built damus in swiftui now that Ive learned it. App with complex uis suffer horribly. It’s great for simple stuff and the declarative UI is quite nice for dev productivity (until you have to do anything off the paved toad) 
 paved road* lol 
 swiftui works great for those who want paved toads 🐸 
 I much preferred paved toad. It set me off thinking about tiled frogs, resurfaced salamanders and ultimately ending up with grassy moles! 
 What’s an example of something you wanted to do but couldn’t because of SwiftUI? 
 rn replicating instagrams custom tabview indicators. i’m not saying it can’t be done but anything custom in swiftui feels way more hacky