Welcome to X2 GlobalHelp.Crypto, where members voluntarily donate Bitcoin and can receive twice the amount in return.
- Donate: 0.001 RBTC ~$50
- Receive double help ~100$.
- GH Distribution: First-come, first-served.
- Every 10th referral grants you a free entry.
- Re-sell 0.0015 RBTC with a 10% margin to newcomers.
1. Install MetaMask or other compatible Web3 wallet.
2. Configure your wallet to connect to the RSK Mainnet.
3. Deposit 0.0015 RBTC into your wallet to cover your donation and transaction fees.
4. Access our platform at globalhelp.crypto. If your browser doesn’t support Unstoppable Domains, please use https://misty-dawn-1598.on.fleek.co/ to access our platform.
5. Connect your wallet, input your referrer's code, and make a donation.
Full instructions: https://telegra.ph/X2---ALWAYS-DOUBLES-11-19-2
1. Buy from your referrer.
2. Convert BTC to RBTC at https://app.2wp.rootstock.io/
Join our Zoom meetings on Thursdays and Sundays to learn more about X2.