It came with a lot of scars and fire 🔥
Warrior princess stood proud
Assuring another’s right to life
In an attempt to
Win the hearts & minds of others?
It’s so much easier to destroy them.
A warrior queen is created in one of two ways
1. On the battlefield
- taking part in death & destruction
2. In the comfort of advisors
- Redacted stories being told
Who benefits?
Foot soldiers for centuries
have carried the burden
Manipulated by
“powerful” lesser humans
Who find beauty in
Childish games and tokens
False flags
Renounce their power
My choice is to stand in my inherent power
I’m a woman
With feelings
And regrets
With respect to the dead
Your voices still haunt me
United States of Arrogance
Blissfully entertained by football
Ignoring the undercurrent of filth
Blood soaked earth
striating tears of stained faces
Witnesses plead Peace
Warriors scream from their graves
Who will be the last fallen soldier?
- Stay focused on pigskin while we all eat slop ☹️