One other time I had so many nwcs open and different wallets connected it fucked my whole thing up I didn't knownwhere the zaps where going or coming from. I enables zeus with nwc, primal wallet was going, my WoS was receiving some zaps still. It's was rare nest 🪹. But I just nuked my zeus wallet and nwc-ed alby and called it a Dat. Easierst way to do it and keep my amethyst running smooth.
Don't mind my typos, they belong to my fat fingers.
I have this weird thing when I type. Sometimes my fingers and brain are not in sync. And I end up with sentences that are missing entire words, or have more words in them than I need. 🤣 My brain is a mess, and I almost never read what I typed, I just hit post like I’m Tolkien