The Right and the Future of Capitalism: Part 1
#cd693cb9 ver:0.06
Capitalism's pursuit of wealth for the few has caused harm to all forms of life, leading to inequality, resource depletion, and the erosion of communities. A counterhegemonic project is needed to challenge capitalism and establish a sustainable and democratic society. In Nigeria, capitalism is seen as predatory and extractive, benefiting a few at the expense of the masses. However, an opinion piece argues that interventionism, not capitalism, has caused economic problems. Conservative economics should embrace reason and reshape markets to address the negative consequences of capitalism. The challenge lies in finding a system that prioritizes well-being while addressing inequality and corruption. #Capitalism #Inequality #Sustainability #Interventionism...
#newstr #Capitalism #Socialism #ConservativeEconomics #Intervention #ProductiveMarkets #SupportiveCommunities