1 million sats is about $600 bucks now, and you all were doing that for fun a year or so ago?
zapping that for fun*
Sarah have you seen the invoice bomb?
I’M NOT DIGGING THAT UP FOR YOU AGAIN FALSE, YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN NOW https://media1.tenor.com/m/iZGLiRjXvRgAAAAC/whyy-but.gif
Rest historian. I'll handle this one.
omg what am i gonna see 👀
i guess i am resting too
nostr seach isnt the easiest note1f30mxfd2l2nk6wxl8648sxjctypvezxeqntac9hygclrhw4q99aqq9wr28
i came up with an idea, we hashtag this note so you can find it easier... #123456789123456789123456789
hahah that is wild
no i have not
Shit happened, what can I say 🐶🐾🤣😂😭
At least we didn’t spend it on NFTs
Lol if my first nft try didn't steal my money, I would of been sucked in but because I was mad I said fuck it and now look where it is