** Understanding Hibernate's Eager and Lazy Loading Strategies Hibernate, a popular Java persistence framework, offers two loading strategies for relationships between entities: Eager (жадная) and Lazy (ленивая). While both have their uses, they also come with trade-offs. Eager loading fetches all related data upfront, which can lead to performance issues if not managed properly. On the other hand, Lazy loading only loads related data when actually needed, reducing memory usage but potentially causing exceptions if accessed outside a session. Hibernate defaults to Eager for One-To-One and Many-To-One relationships, while opting for Lazy for One-To-Many and Many-To-Many connections. While this approach simplifies development, it's essential to explicitly choose a loading strategy to avoid surprises. To ensure efficient performance in your Hibernate application, consider the following: * For critical relationships, opt for Eager loading to guarantee data availability. * For less frequently accessed relations, choose Lazy loading to conserve resources. * Always prefer explicit loading strategies over relying on default settings. ** Source: https://dev.to/easycat/hibernate-zoo-zhadnyi-gippopotam-i-lienivyi-liemur-lazy-vs-eager-44eo