Oddbean new post about | logout
 I duno what's going on here is NIP01 broken?  I am trying to tag myself by creating an event with a simple p tag.  It just has the pubkey in it.  But I am not seeing any notification in amethyst or nostrudel.  I see these other clients doing ["p", "pubkeyhex", "", "mention"].  Is that mention thing required now?  NDK is not adding that it's just doing a simple tag.

#asknostrdevs #asknostr #nips 
 yeah afaik those extra labels are mandatory now 
 yes, i did not know what a marker was.. apparently its a string in the tag saying "reply" or "mention".  nip01 doesnt mention this.

also i didnt have nostrudel all notify turned on, only replies 🦍 whoops

anyway, working now in both 
 yeah, understandable, search for mention and you get this:


oh, deprecated

then this:


i'm gonna put an issue up that this should be collapsed into nip-01 
 or at least nip-19? what was the one about bech32? 
 or, idk, what the fuck :wtf:  
 @Laeserin i know you get it why nips need to end and there needs to be a wiki version 
 Yes 🫥 
 A lot of the open proposals are already implemented. A repo is too slow and centralized.

We've kept our specs in the wiki. Otherwise, could take weeks or months to get a change through, and then the implementations eventually diverge from the specs. Or people have to decide who barely understand what we want.

It's better to have slightly varying versions of the same spec linked to an npub than one centralized version that is perpetually out of date or has open PRs. 
 I think it is an attempt to pretend we have clear consensus in an open protocol. Which would sort of defeat the purpose of having an open protocol.

More useful, would be effective wiki diff viewers, so we could easily see which specs differ, and how. 
 and pretense and vanity is rife amongst those who have push privilege on the nips repo 
 tag!  your'e it           lfg! 
 They've actually gotten more humble, but that doesn't change the fact that they have a needless bottleneck caused by choosing the wrong tech stack.

It's like those admin offices in corporations, where you have to wait three weeks for them to sign off on your business trip, but you've already traveled and returned home. Superfluous Stempelarbeit. 
 noStrudel isn't too picky about the labels, but it will hide the notifications where you mention yourself or quote yourself 
 not mentioning myself.. 🤔 
 either its requiring extra fields in the tag or requiring content to have nostr:npub in it.. will try to see which.. 
 bookmarking this and coming back later to reread 
 @OpenSats give this girl @Laeserin a grant to run a wikimedia instance for nostr pls 
 More than just opensats, but absolutely  
 i think we really need a protocol spec librarian on the case, someone who is just watching all the inputs and keeping them organised and familiar 
 That's below my pay grade, tho. That needs to be a robot. 
 ok, fair enough but a spec wiki librarian needs to be pretty smart, and she definitely needs to be paid 
 It would be crazy to do that work (manually or by automating) without compensation, since you'd mostly be doing it for other people.

But we don't have a system for "shared services", since Nostr isn't a company or a government. 