Oddbean new post about | logout
 I know but it’s will be on you. 
 what is on me? 
 Go to Nashville and kiss the ring of the pseudo bitcoin guru! 
 Sounds like he really hurt you bro, maybe you should tell him how you feel 😉 
 Who? I have met him briefly in Nashville during Nostrville in bitcoin park during the toor he showed!  There is 0 people in this world that can hurt! I stayed humble and not dependent on the spooks !  
 You think being humble is screeching about who you think is a spook? Get a fucking grip.

There is at minimum one person who can hurt you in this world, and that’s YOU. Especially when you act like a child. 
 Cool that you moved out of Chicago. About the child you know where to find me and talk too !  
 I’ll come see you real soon don’t you worry 😘 
 You can bring spook with you as well ! We can talk about my chieldish and he can answer everything in caps “ASK ANYTHING” into my face !  
 How do you know that I’m not a spook? What if you’re the spook? You seem to know a whole lot about them 
 Yes, I’m spook as well!  
 But Ukrainian one 😁 
 Lol, i will try to get to next bitdevs if it’s in the first two weeks

For now i gotta catch this flight 🤙 
 See you don’t follow the shit! I’m not a part of @strike shill group for over months ! One cafe you will be in Chicano and want talk and tell me that I’m a kid (you know that you are wrong) just DM me 😉 
 I called you a child because you are throwing a temper tantrum like a child - you know that.

You’re right, i don’t follow the shit cause it’s not important. 
 You called me choked because you are @ODELL puppet and you didn’t like what my message was to protect this guy! You met me many times and in person , tell in my eyes that I’m kid! I doubt it! Stay in Nashville spook city!  
 *called me kid  
 I call you a child because you act like a child throwing little temper tantrums & crying on the internet.

You doubt I’d call you a child to your face? Lmao bro you think you’re scary??