Love this! More fine tuning levers for the feed. Next, more tuning levers for relay operators. To wrap it all up with a bkw would be tools that leverage both top level moderation and bottom up feed control.
Many natural phenomena exist at the edge of chaos and order. It is necessicary that the push and pull exist and that neither overtake the other. Nostr is an ecosystem and things actually need balance.
The main purpose for nostr is censorship resistance. If all else, that is a truth about it given its underlying assumptions. What this means, is that we don't need to fight censorship resistance.
But the capacty to decorate your home with anything doesn't mean that every type of decoration works or would be wanted. Sure you can say whatever you want and many here will continually fight and build for your right to do so, but tha doesn't mean what you say is welcomed.
The worst case, you're a bad actor. You have no social ties to the group you interact with. If it is the group's space, they should be free to eject you, but you are free to shout whatever the hell you want elsewhere. -> Relay operator immediate ban. Nothing wrong with that.
Best case: you're ingroup. You and the rest of the community is building your echo chamber. Again perfectly fine.
Now what about the in between? Relay operator cant see everyone in big communties. Our free-for-all relays accomplish the task of censorship resistance, but this stance is also too far in one direction because now everyone's feed is filled with toxicity, spam or bots.
The WOT helps thaf space where you're not sure who is enought to interact with. Your users are also high signal for curating against malicious behavior.
The more fine grained control we have over our /communities/ the more likely nostr will flourish. Control over our interactions that bridges the top down and bottom up, the push and pull will allow for interesting effects.