No philosophical objections or criticisms from me, I’d just say this is something that inherently would not take off among anime figure collectors/enjoyers, only partially because most of us are asocial weirdos who wouldn’t do war gaming because it involves other people. The main reason is that it would take thousands of hours of practice to be able to do paint jobs of comparable quality to what you can simply buy from Japan, and between the obsession with quality and the general status of most of us having more spare money than spare time, it would just not take off with most people. Guys who make garage kits, basically having the skills in question here, are a fraction of a fraction of the community, and many of them also crossover with war gamers, which is really who you’re going to be talking to for making a hobby like this. I don’t know enough about that community to say for sure but I’d guess it’s somewhat likely enough of those guys like anime girls to make this a reality.