Immigration anyone?
"But in the past, the immigrants to the US were all essentially from the same culture, the same background, the same religion, the same race. There were different countries, of course, Italians, Polish, Jews, Irish, whatever. But these people are different and worse than that, that's not the big problem. The biggest problem is that these people are being paid, they're being subsidized. When people came here in the 19th and early 20th century, they were penniless and when they arrived in the US, they had to make their own way.
Nobody gave them anything. That's why we don't have any problem with any of those previous immigrants. But these people are being subsidized. They're getting credit cards. They get free medical care. They got free food. They get free housing. They put them in hotels. It seems like the active destruction of the domestic multicultural empire. And you cannot have a country that's multicultural. You can have an empire that's multicultural, but empires always collapse. And we're a domestic empire. It's going to end badly. We're headed towards something resembling a civil war for that reason. Sorry to go off that little mini lecture, but one thing leads to another". Doug Casey