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 What should this arabic letters mean? I speak and read arabic, but I cant make sense of those letters 
 Read them like someone who doesn't speak Arabic. Left to right, naively.

You'll see it right away. 
 I did it, but most arabic letters get written together, those are not, and there shape is not understandable. Just translate it! 
 It says "go fuck yourself". See it now? 
 The guy gave you this letters and told you that it says gfy, is trolling you. In no arabic dialect of 23 countries this could mean gfy. Never 
 Now you are trolling me. Either that, or you are excessively dumb. In any case, please GFY 
 I was serious till now, but gfy sob. 
 LOL, so you're exceedingly dumb. See ya 👋