this stuff about how 2/3rds obey evil orders as discovered by the Milgram experiment it made me think of something
there is three sections of the population, equal thirds, and they have the following characteristics:
1. strive towards goodness no matter what the cost
2. strive towards goodness only if equal numbers also, otherwise they will follow evil orders and believe lies
3. love to do bad things, and try to convince 2 that they are really 1
why the 2s flip to the side of the 1s is because of subjective experience of proof of the wrong plus knowing others from 1 who refuse to join - this doesn't happen immediately, because the 2s follow the neutral or evil until they suffer from it, and then they will follow the good
the state change happens long after evil becomes institutionalised, it is an exponential process where each additional flip increases the chances of another flip
human's aren't evil, they are 1/3 evil, 1/3 undecided and 1/3 good
the undecided follow evil because it's cheaper for them, until it becomes more expensive, and then they flip
i think that if you could find all the 3s and remove them from the population, however, that the bias would be way against evil