Policing in America is fucked.
My proposal:
-BS/BA education minimum
-Some number of hours in a higher responsibility position (EMT, nursing assistant, etc - something that requires skill and an ability to make decisions under pressure and without abusing power)
-THEN a psych and physical fitness eval, and whatever other requirements of acceptance into a 2 year minimum police specific training program.
-Lastly, starting out in either a lower level position (parking enforcement, community assistance, etc) or partnering with a senior officer and demonstrating excellence for an amount of time before going solo or becoming a non-probationary officer.
Plus continuing education, and mental and physical fitness requirements to keep the job.
This would require a lot more money and career potential to attract the best, but I think it's better than: completed high school, completed a six month course, and reached 21 years of age. It's really no wonder we have so many horrible people in LE. The standards are super low.
Being a cop should be incredibly rewarding and a privilege given to the most moral among us, not a career any asshole can drop into with little effort.
Falling through the cracks as an unfit police officer should be incredibly difficult, and I think it would be a lot more difficult with these standards.
Ending the drug war and other stupid laws would help even more.