The whiny sissyian pricks of Sammy the Bull Pool called Whirlpool can take their transactions joining somewhere else why bitch so much and attack LDJ for giving pool hashers a choice, an option that is non standard in Knots, why don't you bitches take your transactions to F2 or some other China backed pool and tell your grandkids you made profits off of inscripting non transaction data(spamming really) and brag abt it in your little circle, kumbaya, kummaya, how different are you from the street litterers in San Francisco with shit all over the place with full privacy preserving King Xi red carpeted so Newsom can get Democratic candidacy someday and bitch abot why its so hard to take a good shit these days in 'San Francisco with full privacy?. fuckturds, For short sighted gains in your profits from fees, everyone (all the 3rd world countries) are forced being unaffordable to use blockspace if they wanted to something on-chain. Privacy is hugely important but in this case LDJ acknowledged that and he's is not obligated to listen to your diktats, whiny boys just like you dont have to listen to his POV. come up with a way so you can preserve privacy with no spamming efffect, entitled jerks, WEF cucks, peace out Sammies