It boils down to some services requiring to stay free or you scare people away. People are willing to pay for things that make sense to pay for but it has to provide some clear value beyond the traditional social media experience that everyone is accustomed to using for free. I think it will be easier to monetize with more users as you’ll find your tribe of 100 easier (assuming you implement subscriptions). This is why I wrote a while ago about doubting v4v sustainability without subscriptions. You need to have recurring (read predictable) revenue to run any sort of business. If you have no idea how much you’re gonna get zapped this month or the next, it’s difficult to plan your business - hire, allocate resources. MAYBE as you get to massive scale and you get enough data to see what the average month zaps look like, you can work with raw v4v zaps, but I just don’t see it happening this early with our user base. Now… if you implement traditional fiat subscriptions, I think you’d be close to fully monetized or at least 50% monetized just by the passionate supporters that most of us are. Not everyone will pay, but enough will that it will make a difference. Of course, better if this subscription is in Bitcoin ;)
Cela ressemble à une note que j'ai lu antérieurement réellement ne reproduisez le système Fiat ce serait dommage et pire encore dans un protocole décentralisé avec des retentissements nous qui impacteront