The excess and decadence enabled by a world run on broken, easy money allows people to live in a detached reality that leads them to push objectively false narratives.
Broken money leads people to store their value in sub optimal vehicles, like housing. This drives the cost of real estate up unnaturally and increases the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots”.
Broken money incentivizes governments to allow their borders to be bum rushed by cheap laborers who will take low paying jobs that enable the systemically fragile economy to keep chugging along while simultaneously increasing the chaos that already exists and diluting the values that the natives of this country believe in.
To this day, the biggest problem in the world right now is BROKEN MONEY.
One idea for the "next generation of Nostr applications" would be to incentivize users to collectively accumulate. Passing Bitcoin around to each other is a beneficial thing- but until we become a dominant, coordinated market force, then we are competing only with each other, and allowing corrupted entities of the past dictate our future.