UK Justice Secretary Announces Plans to Address Prison Overcrowding
#776ce271 ver:0.62
UK Justice Secretary announces plans to address prison overcrowding by potentially releasing up to 20,000 prisoners early. The proposal involves reducing the minimum portion of a sentence served to 40% instead of 50%. The prison system is currently facing a capacity crisis, with only 700 available spaces out of the required 1,425. Prime Minister Keir Starmer describes the situation as 'shocking' and 'grossly irresponsible'. Critics argue it's a dangerous gamble with public safety, while others advocate for putting fewer people in prison for less time. #PrisonOvercrowding #JusticeSystem #PublicSafety...
#newstr #PrisonOvercrowding #JusticeSystem #EarlyRelease #KeirStarmer #MarkIcke #RoryStewart #MinistryOfJustice