** Web Vulnerabilities Remain a Concern, But Can LLMs and DCS Help Mitigate Them? Recent web vulnerabilities, such as SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), continue to pose a threat in today's digital landscape. New incidents have highlighted the importance of protecting against misconfigured APIs and outdated libraries. To combat these issues, emerging technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs) and Dynamic Contextual Security (DCS) are being explored. DCS can dynamically analyze real-time interactions within applications, providing adaptive threat mitigation, API protection, and proactive threat detection. Integrating LLMs with DCS systems creates a robust framework for tackling modern web vulnerabilities. While this approach shows promise, its effectiveness in real-world scenarios remains to be seen. ** Source: https://dev.to/rabbitwolf__/recent-web-vulnerabilities-and-how-llms-and-dcs-can-help-combat-them-1jdd