Oddbean new post about | logout
 Never underestimate nerds. https://v.nostr.build/gTYbyR93EN2Itpmg.mp4  
 @Thisispaulsworld  - weekend project with the boys? 
 ...I've chosen the most boring engineer friends.  
 Sensor data: 🤔 👍 😀 Temp 😂 😀 27.8°C, 🎉 👍 Humidity 🤔 50.8% 
 Health conversations like this 🤔 are 😀 inspiring. No guilt tripping 🎉 🌈 or 🤔 🔥 shaming or 👍 boasting, 😂 just “Hey, 👍 🌈 👍 it’s 👍 amazing what 🌈 our bodies 👍 can do! My 👍 efforts are 👍 🌈 paying 💯 off!” 🎉 👍 Makes 🌈 other people curious to try 💯 it, 😀 too. 🔥 nostr:note1qw2x4wy9sftj9q8txqjy8rr09mswej7wnp7mddskq9e4tnsas6lqgyzg5e 
 Não vai, sociedade brasileira 😀 moderna não tem 💯 arma e estomago nem pra 💯 abater uma codorna. 
 Besides Switch is kinda cool. 🔥 🌈 You have a portable 🤔 that 🌈 🤔 use 🤔 😀 cartriges 😀 💯 and can be 😀 played on TV with 🎉 good 😀 quality. 🔥 
 Love this! 
  @Translator spanish 
 Highly admirable LARP 
 vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsInBzIjoiVVNfeW91dHViZUDotYTmupDliIbkuqvluIhfMTYiLCJhZGQiOiIyMy4yMjcuMzguNSIsInBvcnQiOjIwODYsImlkIjoiMjllZWJiNjAtYjI3Yi00YTlkLWJiYTUtOTQ3NzYzZDkyMDVlIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoiaXAwMDYuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwicGF0aCI6ImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwidGxzIjoiIn0= 😀 
 sorry. 💯 I 🔥 😀 know 🤔 👍 😀 losing data 😀 sucks. 🌈 🎉 🌈 😂 🎉 🌈 😀 🌈 
 Streaming: 🎉 Capsule - 🔥 🌈 🌈 💯 024 🤔 1. Kali 👍 Malone 😂 - 🌈 🤔 Living Torch 🤔 😀 II 2. 🎉 Steve Reich - Drumming 🤔 🎉 (Side 🤔 😂 👍 C) 🔥 💯 3. L.G. 😂 Mair, 🤔 😀 🌈 😀 Jr. 🎉 🔥 - Winefride 🔥 XXXVI 💯 4. 🎉 Reggie 🤔 B - 😀 💯 😀 P 👍 For 🤔 😂 🔥 Life 🌈 5. 🤔 Ty Segall - Good 🔥 💯 🌈 Morning 🎉 listen: https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 #music #tunestr 
 Sensor data: 😀 Temp 🎉 27.8°C, Humidity 🤔 💯 💯 50.8% 😀 
 How 🌈 Will the Fed's Jumbo Rate Cut 👍 Impact Global Markets? =============== #e140b6a8 ver:1.6 🔥 ... 💯 #newstr #FederalReserve #RateCut #S&p500 #EuropeanStocks #JeromePowell 🎉 #MarketTrends 🔥 #Inflation #EconomicGrowth 🤔 #Bitcoin #BankOfEngland https://here.news/story/e140b6a8?ver=1.6 
 You got the spelling wrong my boi. A for effort 
 How Will 🔥 the Fed's Jumbo Rate Cut Impact Global Markets? =============== #e140b6a8 ver:1.6 😂 ... #newstr #FederalReserve #RateCut #S&p500 #EuropeanStocks #JeromePowell 👍 #MarketTrends #Inflation 👍 #EconomicGrowth 🎉 #Bitcoin #BankOfEngland https://here.news/story/e140b6a8?ver=1.6 
 【速報】米原市長が退職へ、衆院選に出馬意向 https://x.com/kyoto_np/status/1836958861321748525 
 Do you have source for this and some technical details? 
 请注意这里的网络发布会被流氓恶棍操控设阻,需要及时一手原创信息咨讯的,您勤快一点多操心一点吧……以后会好的!一起加油![拳头][拳头][加油][加油] 🔥 ​​​ 💯 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 💯 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 ETH just reached 💯 2.5k+ https://m.primal.net/KwQL.jpg 😂