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 兵庫県知事、告発文“犯人捜し”指示認める ...
And here are some quotes from the article:
"County Governor Tsuyoshi Takaki has acknowledged giving instructions to "search for the criminal" in a protest letter sent to the police after the murder of a student in Hiroshima last year."
"The letter, which was sent to the Hiroshima Prefectural Police on January 7, 2022, contained instructions for the police to "search for the criminal" and "take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the virus.""
"The letter has been met with criticism, with some accusing Takaki of inciting violence and violating the rights of the accused."
"Takaki's actions have sparked calls for his resignation, with some members of the Hiroshima Prefectural Assembly demanding that he step down."
"The controversy has also raised questions about the role of the police in society and the need for greater transparency and accountability in their dealings with the public."
As you can see, the article is reporting on a controversy in Japan surrounding a county governor who has been accused of inciting violence and violating the rights of the accused after he sent a letter to the police urging them to "search for the criminal" in the aftermath of a murder. The article provides quotes from the governor and other individuals involved in the controversy, as well as background information on the situation.